Observatory • impact investing

Hivos and Hivos Impact Investments


Hivos and Hivos Impact Investments

Our interview with Edwin Huizing, Executive Director at Hivos and Jaap Spreeuwenberg, Managing Director at Hivos Impact Investments on how to support frontrunners as change agents who can reduce poverty, foster sustainable use of natural resources and reduce social inequalities

Social Impact Investing for the Public Administration


Social Impact Investing for the Public Administration

Over April 10-11-12 aprile the first of the four modules of the ”IFISE – innovative Financial Instruments in support to the Social Economy” project funded by the European Commission took place in Turin


Leveraging on the endowment to create social impact

Nathan Cummings Foundation Commits to 100% Mission-Aligned Investing

DOEN Foundation: investing where possible, giving a grant if it’s necessary


DOEN Foundation: investing where possible, giving a grant if it’s necessary

The successful story of the foundation established by the Dutch Postcode Lottery. The interview to Anneke Sipkens, General Director


Rockefeller Brothers Fund Expands Efforts to Promote Impact Investing

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has announced plans to expand its efforts to promote mission-aligned investing as an option for foundations and other funders.

Panelists of the Lang Philanthropy Day 2017 – Update


Panelists of the Lang Philanthropy Day 2017 – Update

Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Jacobs Foundation, King Baudouin Foundation... Start discovering some of the L-PDAY2017 speakers

Millennials, Invest To Achieve Profit And Purpose


Millennials, Invest To Achieve Profit And Purpose

Forget the paradigm that many believe Millennials to be the “Me Generation.” Research proves them to be the “Us Generation.” “Us” encompasses the world.

Morgan Stanley’s Impact Investment Fund Raises $125 Million


Morgan Stanley’s Impact Investment Fund Raises $125 Million

PMF Integro Fund I will invest in private-equity funds that offer the potential for compelling financial returns while demonstrating positive environmental or social impact, or both.

Bridging the gap between philanthropy and investments: impact investing for foundations


Bridging the gap between philanthropy and investments: impact investing for foundations

The Ford Foundation will be allocating $1 billion in mission-related investments to create synergies between its endowment allocations and grantmaking

The strategic philanthropy model of the Nippon Foundation


The strategic philanthropy model of the Nippon Foundation

From philanthropy tout-court to the integration of social investment tools. The interview to Shuichi Ohno, Executive Director of the Nippon Foundation and Japanese representative at the G7 TaskForce on Social Impact Investing

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