Observatory • Mario Morino

Leap Update: 28 Fixes


Leap Update: 28 Fixes

Three years ago, when the Leap Ambassadors Community released the first version of the Performance Imperative (PI), the ambassadors made it clear that they would practice what they preach about learning and improvement by collecting feedback and eventually producing a version 2.0

The Impact Evangelist


The Impact Evangelist

The Chronicle of Philanthropy acknowledges the "Leap Ambassadors Community" launched by Mario Morino and its work toward helping funders and their grantees build and sustain high-performing organizations

Leap Update: Epic Example of Why Performance Matters


Leap Update: Epic Example of Why Performance Matters

The day after Christmas in 2013, a young boy named Emile in the small West African nation of Guinea came down with a high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. He died two days later...

Leap Update: Performance for the Poorest


Leap Update: Performance for the Poorest

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the San Francisco-based Mulago Foundation, which supports mostly early-stage organizations on the frontlines of poverty alleviation. We suspect the foundation will let the milestone pass with little or no fanfare. While we admire the foundation's desire to avoid patting itself on the back, we believe it deserves widespread recognition.

Leap Update: When Matters


Leap Update: When Matters

On February 8, the Winter Olympics will begin with the delivery of the first stone in a curling competition. During the 18 days of competition, many Olympic records are likely to fall, because the science and technology of sports performance continue to advance rapidly. Yes, even in curling.

Leap Update: Up and Down the Elevator Five Times


Leap Update: Up and Down the Elevator Five Times

Two decades ago, Fred Ali, the leader of a nonprofit serving homeless youth, walked into the lobby of an imposing downtown Los Angeles office tower and pressed the button for the 30th floor. He got out of the elevator and headed toward the office suite of the Weingart Foundation.

Leap Update: Gates Schmates


Leap Update: Gates Schmates

We wish we had a nickel for each time we've had a discussion about helping grantees become high-performance organizations and heard a response like this from a funder: "I get it, but we're not exactly the Gateses or Waltons."

Leap Update: Light After Dark


Leap Update: Light After Dark

We cannot in good conscience jump into this newsletter without acknowledging what we're feeling in the aftermath of Charlottesville: Can this really be happening in America?! Can history really be marching, in jackboots and loafers, in reverse?

Leap Update: Taking the Leap, Across the Pond


Leap Update: Taking the Leap, Across the Pond

Last month, we shone a bright spotlight on Impetus-PEF, a London-based foundation that is doing a great job of investing in the performance of its grantees. The Impetus-PEF story is so rich with insights that we want to put more meat on the bones here.

Leap Update: Some Pain, More Gain


Leap Update: Some Pain, More Gain

In March, we focused our monthly update on Impetus-PEF, a London foundation "walking the talk" of high performance--not just by investing in the performance of its grantees but also by looking introspectively at its own performance.

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