Theory of Change e valutazione dell’impatto sociale per una Filantropia Strategica

Theory of Change e valutazione dell’impatto sociale per una Filantropia Strategica

Lang Centre on Strategic Philanthropy

This "Philanthropy Insights" explains Theory of Change and social impact assessment in practice through international experiences and Italian cases conducted by Fondazione Lang Italia (IN ITALIAN ONLY)

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“Philanthropy Insights” is a series of thematic publications, produced by Lang Study Centre, on different topics forming strategic philanthropy. They collect Fondazione Lang Italia’s know-how and contributions from the main Italian and international experts.

In primis the role of TOC as a strategic framework is presented, usable at different levels in the organization or within organizations. It represents a fundamental tool to assess the results produced by an initiative or organization. In the second part, the theme of social impact assessment per se is analyzed, through different approaches that, notwithstanding the limits, can help funders and operators to create effective and resilient projects.

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